Monday, September 14, 2015

blogPost2: Quote

“We do not really see with our eyes or hear through our ears, but through our beliefs.”- Lisa Delpit

This quote is really one that gets a person thinking. Not only about the quote itself, but about how you as a person see and hear things in life. Do you have your mind made up about people before you even get to know them? That’s what I think of at first when reading this quote. “See with our eyes”, this part of the quote seems very basic and literal. But think, when you see a person, what is the first thing that goes through your mind? Your beliefs on a person of that type begin to go through your mind. Prior experiences with that type of person run through your mind and therefore you may not give that person a chance to prove who they truly are. The same thing goes for the second part of the quote as well. “Hear through our ears”, suggesting that when we hear something, we do not really take the time to analyze the context of what a person says, we just relate it to similar experiences and therefore our ignorance grows. Beliefs can be arguably be a cause of predetermined ignorance. This happens all over in society. Whether it be in a classroom, a business setting or in government jobs such as law enforcement. People tend to let past experiences, which arguably form beliefs, ruin their chance to understand people for who they are and what they stand for. It is quotes like this that need to be brought up for us to begin understanding who people really are.

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